Michael Garry Nugroho, Michael Garry Nugroho (2023) PENGARUH PENERAPAN CHSE TERHADAP KEPUASAN TAMU HOTEL MERCURE DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Sahid.
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ABSTRAK Sektor pariwisata dan perhotelan menjadi lesu akibat dari pandemi. Maka dari itu pemerintah mengeluarkan sertifikasi CHSE untuk bisnis pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif dengan harapan dapat menaikan tingkat kepercayaan konsumen terhadap kualitas produk wisata yang akan digunakan dan dapat menghidupkan kembali sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif yang terdampak pandemi COVID�19. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian penerapan CHSE di Hotel Mercure Sabang, kepuasan tamu Hotel Mercure Sabang, serta melihat dampak penerapan CHSE terhadap kepuasan tamu Hotel Mercure Sabang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada tamu yang pernah menginap di Hotel Mercure Sabang. Responden yang didapat di dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Data penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian diketahui hasil rata-rata penerapan CHSE sebesar 4,46 dengan hasil bahwa pengunjung sangat setuju penerapan CHSE di Hotel Mercure Sabang Jakarta dan rata-rata kepuasan tamu sebesar 4,49 yang artinya tamu sangat puas dengan kepuasan tamu di masa pandemi COVID-19. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka dapat disimpulkan penerapan CHSE di Hotel Mercure Sabang sudah sangat sesuai, tamu juga merasa puas menginap di Hotel Mercure Sabang di masa pandemi COVID-19, dan penerapan protokol CHSE memiliki dampak yang positif terhadap kepuasan tamu Hotel Mercure Sabang. Sementara itu, saran yang dapat peneliti berikan adalah pihak Hotel Mercure Sabang adalah agar pihak Hotel Mercure Sabang lebih aktif lagi untuk menghimbau para tamunya untuk tidak menggunakan air seperlunya baik secara langsung kepada tamu maupun secara tidak langsung melalui brosur atau poster iii yang memiliki desain menarik agar dapat menarik perhatian para tamu untuk membaca dan memberikan informasi penting di dalamnya mengenai seberapa penting dan berharganya air bagi keberlangsungan hidup, pihak Hotel Mercure Sabang untuk meningkatkan fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada dan juga memperbanyak kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pengenalan hospitality supaya dipercaya konsumen/tamu yang akan menginap, Peneliti menyarankan untuk memperpanjang kembali sertifikat CHSE atau menyediakan sertifikat yang serupa dengan CHSE. Kata Kunci : CHSE, Kepuasan Tamu, COVID-19 iv ABSTRACT The tourism and hospitality sector has become sluggish as a result of the pandemic. Therefore, the government issued CHSE certification for tourism and creative economy businesses in the hope of increasing the level of consumer confidence in the quality of tourism products to be used and can revive the tourism and creative economy sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of the implementation of CHSE at Mercure Sabang Hotel, Mercure Sabang Hotel guest satisfaction, and see the impact of CHSE implementation on Mercure Sabang Hotel guest satisfaction. This research method uses quantitative descriptive analysis by distributing questionnaires to guests who have stayed at Mercure Sabang Hotel. The respondents obtained in this study were 100 respondents. The research data was processed using SPSS. Based on the results of the research analysis, it is known that the average result of implementing CHSE is 4.46 with the result that visitors strongly agree with the implementation of CHSE at Mercure Sabang Hotel Jakarta and the average guest satisfaction is 4.49 which means guests are very satisfied with guest satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of CHSE at Mercure Sabang Hotel is very appropriate, guests are also satisfied staying at Mercure Sabang Hotel during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implementation of CHSE protocols has a positive impact on guest satisfaction of Mercure Sabang Hotel. Meanwhile, the suggestion that researchers can give is that the Mercure Sabang Hotel is for the Mercure Sabang Hotel to be v more active in urging its guests not to use water as needed either directly to guests or indirectly through brochures or posters that have attractive designs in order to attract the attention of guests to read and provide important information in it about how important and valuable water is for survival, Mercure Sabang Hotel to improve existing facilities and also increase activities related to the introduction of hospitality so that consumers / guests who will stay are trusted, the researcher suggested to renew the CHSE certificate or provide a certificate similar to CHSE. Keywords : CHSE, Guest Satisfaction, COVID-19
Item Type: | Thesis (Skripsi) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD61 Risk Management |
Divisions: | Fakulltas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Manajemen |
Depositing User: | sis gunawan usahid |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2024 08:06 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2024 08:06 |
URI: | http://repository.usahid.ac.id/id/eprint/3353 |
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