Items where Author is "Kholil, Kholil"

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Number of items: 63.


Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2019) Affordability of Water Service from Perspective of Water Security of Community in Bekasi District. Journal of Resources Development and Management, 60. pp. 38-44. ISSN 2422-8397

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2017) Integrated Promotion and Regional Cooperation for ustainable Tourism Development: A Case Study in Padang Panjang Regency West Sumatra, Indonesia. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, 3 (4). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2456-4761

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2016) KELANGKAAN AIR BERSIH : TELAAH SISTEM PELAYANAN PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH DI KABUPATEN BEKASI. Jurnal Sumber Daya Air, 12 (2). pp. 175-186. ISSN 1907-0276

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2016) WILLINGNESS TO PAY AS AN INDICATION OF PUBLIC SHARING IN THE EFFORTS OF IMPROVING CLEAN WATER SERVICE: REVIEW IN DISTRICT AREA. Proceeding of International Conference The 1st ICBEST 2016.

Book Section

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2020) Sustainable Tourism Development Using Soft System Methodology (SSM): A Case Study in Padang Panjang Regency West Sumatra, Indonesia. In: Arts and Social Studies Research. Book Publisher International, pp. 54-62. ISBN 978-93-89816-78-5


Farida Nurfalah, Farida and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2021) MODEL IDENTITAS DIRI MAHASISWA DALAM MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM. PUSTAKA AKSARA.


Totok Imam Santoso, Totok and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Dewi Widowati, Dewi (2022) Instructional Communication Model of Military Education as an Effort to Achieve Center of Excellence (Case Study: Akmil Magelang). [Experiment]

Totok Imam Santoso, Totok and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Dewi Widowati, Dewi (2022) peer review : Instructional Communication Model of Military Education as an Effort to Achieve Center of Excellence (Case Study: Akmil Magelang). [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah (2021) HAKI (Model Bisnis Madu Trygona di Era Pandemi Covid 19 di Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat). [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2021) Nilai Mata Kuliah Perencanaan Kawasan Wisata (PLA). [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2021) Nilai Mata Kuliah Statistik (3PLP). [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2021) Nilai Mata Kuliah Statistik (PLA). [Experiment]

Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Kholil, Kholil (2021) Peer Review : Scale Up Strategy of Smoked Fish Home Industry Using AHP and SAST A Case Study in Kendal District Central Java Indonesia. [Experiment]

Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Kholil, Kholil (2021) Turnitin : Scale Up Strategy of Smoked Fish Home Industry Using AHP and SAST A Case Study in Kendal District, Central Java Indonesia. [Experiment]

Nefra Firdaus, Nefra and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2021) Turnitin : The Mediating Role of Collabutrative Decision Making on the effect of Digital Literacy and Leadership on Military Soldiers Professional Performance. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2021) nilai mata kuliah Big Data (1PMMA). [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2021) nilai metode Penelitian (4PLP). [Experiment]

Faridah Nurfalah, Faridah and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2021) peer review : MODEL IDENTITAS DIRI MAHASISWA DALAM MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM. [Experiment]

Nefra Firdaus, Nefra and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2021) peer review : The Mediating Role of Collaburative Decision Making of the effect of Digital Literacy and Leadership on Military Soldiers Profesional Performance. [Experiment]

Totok Imam Santoso, Totok and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Dewi Widowati, Dewi (2021) turnitin : Instructional Communication Model of Military Education as an Effort to Achieve Center of Excellence (Case Study: Akmil Magelang). [Experiment]

Farida Nurfalah, Farida and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2021) turnitin ; Model Identitas Diri Mahasiswa Dalam Media Sosial Instagram. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil (2020) Deskripsi Madu Trygona. [Experiment]

Farida Nurfalah, Farida and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2020) Peer Review : Student's Self (revisi). [Experiment]

Farida Nurfalah, Farida and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2020) Peer Review : Student's Self Identity. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2020) Peer Review : Sustainable Tourism Development Using Soft System Methodology (SSM): A Case Study in Padang Panjang Regency West Sumatra, Indonesia. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Giyatmi, Giyatmi and Ibnu Fazhar, ST., MT, Ibnu (2020) SOSIALISASI PROGRAM 3M PADA PETUGAS KEBERSIHAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SANITASI LINGKUNGAN KERJA. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Farida Nurfalah, Farida and Kholil, Kholil and Puji Lestari, Puji and Titi Widaningsih, Titi (2020) turnitin Students’ Self Identity Model on Social Media Instagram: A Case of Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Cirebon West Java, Indonesia. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2019) Peer Review : Affordability of Water Service from Perspective of Water Security of Community in Bekasi District. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2019) Turnitin : Affordability of Water Service from Perspective of Water Security of Community in Bekasi District. [Experiment]

Gloria Angelita, Gloria and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Jamalullail, Jamal (2019) Turnitin : Corporate Communication Strategy for Business Repositioning A Case Study in PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. [Experiment]

Gloria Angelita, Gloria and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Jamalullail, Jamal (2019) peer review : Corporate Communication Strategy for Business Repositioning A Case Study in PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Diny A Sandrasari, Diny and St. Laksanto Utomo, Laksanto (2018) Peer Review : Study of The Application of Good Manufaturing Practice on Smoked Fish Home Industry A Case Study In Kendal Regency. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Diny A Sandrasari, Diny and St. Laksanto Utomo, Laksanto (2018) Turnitin : Study of The Application of Good Manufaturing Practice on Smoked Fish Home Industry A Case Study In Kendal Regency. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2018) turnitin : WILLINGNESS TO PAY AS AN INDICATION OF PUBLIC SHARING IN THE EFFORTS OF IMPROVING CLEAN WATER SERVICE: REVIEW IN DISTRICT AREA. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2017) Peer Review : Integrated Promotion and Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism Development: A Case Study in Padang Panjang Regency West Sumatra, Indonesia. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Yohanes Sulistyadi, Yohanes (2017) Peer Review : The Best Strategy for Ensuring Sustainability of Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi Indonesia. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2017) Peer Review : WATER GOVERNANCE MODEL IN SMALL CITY: REVIEW AT DISTRIC BEKASI - INDONESIA. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2017) Turnitin : WATER GOVERNANCE MODEL IN SMALL CITY: REVIEW AT DISTRIC BEKASI - INDONESIA. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2017) turnitin : Integrated Promotion and Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism Development: A Case Study in Padang Panjang Regency West Sumatra, Indonesia. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nugroho B. Sukamdani, Nugroho and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2017) turnitin : The Best Strategy for Ensuring Sustainability of Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi Indonesia. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2016) Laporan PKM : MODEL PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI UNGGULAN BERBASIS SUMBERDAYA LOKAL DI KOTA PADANG PANJANG. [Experiment] (Unpublished)


Kholil, Kholil and Soecahyadi, Soecahyadi (2016) Laporan Penelitian : Model Pengembangan Industri Unggulan Berbasis Sumber Daya Lokal di Kota Padang Panjang. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2016) Peer Review : KELANGKAAN AIR BERSIH : TELAAH SISTEM PELAYANAN PENYEDIAAN AIR BERSIH DI KABUPATEN BEKASI. [Experiment]

Ninin Gusdini, Ninin and M. Yanuar J Purwanto, Yanuar and Kukuh Murtilaksnono, Kukuh and Kholil, Kholil (2016) Peer Review : WILLINGNESS TO PAY AS AN INDICATION OF PUBLIC SHARING IN THE EFFORTS OF IMPROVING CLEAN WATER SERVICE: REVIEW IN DISTRICT AREA. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil Bidang Pengajaran Semester Ganjil 2022/2023 Prof. Dr. Ir. Kholil., M. Kom., IPU. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah and Dan Aris Budi Setiawan, Aris Bukti Korespondensi : Selection the best strategy for Comercialization Trygona Honey in the Time of Past Covid 19 Pandemic Using SAST and ECM A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara. [Experiment]

William, William and Kholil, Kholil and Tatan Sukwika, Tatan and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah Bukti Korespondensi paper ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL LECTURERS CASE STUDY AT PRIVATE UNIVERSITY INDONESIA. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah Economic Recovary Model in the Time of Pandemic COVID 19 a Case Study in Lombok West Nusatenggara Indonesia. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil Hasil Uji Madu Trygona. [Experiment]


Kholil, Kholil Nilai Semester Gasal 2023/2024 Kholil. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil Nilai UAS Smt Genap 2023/2024 a.n Kholil. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil Nilai UAS Smt Genap 2023/2024 an Kholil. [Experiment]

Laila Febrina, Laila and Kholil, Kholil and Evelyn Hanseta, Evelyn and Purnomosutji Dyah Prinajati, Purnomo Peer Review : Peningkatan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Tentang Etika Lingkungan Melalui Implementasi Merdeka Belajar dan Kampus Merdeka. [Experiment]

Amri, Amri and Kholil, Kholil and Payaman Simanjuntak, Payaman and Dewi Widowati, Dewi and Mirza Ronda, Mirza and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Jamalullail, Jamal and Subkhan, Subkhan Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Organisasi Pembelajaran dan Budaya K3. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil SK Mengajar dan Nilai Semester Genap TA. 2022/2023 Prof.Ir. Kholil., M. Kom., IPU. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah and Dan Aris Budy Setiawan, Dan Selection the best strategy for Comercialization Trygona Honey in the Time of Past Covid 19 Pandemic Using SAST and ECM A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah and Dian Karsoma, Dian Trigona Honey Home Industry Development For Economic Recovery in The time of Covid-19 Pandemic a case study in North Lombok West Nusatenggara Indonesia. [Experiment]

Gloria Angelita, Gloria and Kholil, Kholil and Titi Widaningsih, Titi and Jamalullail, Jamal Turnitin Corporate Communication Strategy for Business Repositioning A Case Study in PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. [Experiment]

Kholil, Kholil nilai akhir semester. [Experiment]

Wiiliam, William and Kholil, Kholil and Tatan Sukwika, Tatan and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah turnitin : ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL LECTURERS CASE STUDY AT PRIVATE “X” UNIVERSITY INDONESIA. [Experiment] (In Press)

Kholil, Kholil and Nafiah Ariyani, Nafiah and Aris Budy Setiawan, Aris turnitin : Selection the best strategy for Commercialization Trygona Honey in the time of past Covid-19 Pandemic Using SAST and ECM A case study in Nort Lombok West Nusatenggara. [Experiment]

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